Introducing Web Services. Stock Status Web Service.

Let our systems talk! We’re more than glad to introduce new public web service, which provides access to stock availability data.

Here’s a short description:

Web service: Stock Status
Description: Provides a list of SKUs with corresponding real-time stock information. Service is available in 3 formats: HTML, CSV, JSON

Fields and descriptions:

  1. SKU (String) – stock keeping unit, aka invenotory number
  2. Size (String) – product size
  3. Color (String) – product color
  4. US Stock (possible values: ‘YES’, ‘NO’) – shows if item is available in USA warehouse
  5. EU Stock (possible values: ‘YES’, ‘NO’) – shows if item is available in European warehouse

Format – URL
CSV   –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

We hope you’ll find it useful. Need something else? Let us know what kind of services you’d like us to implement!

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Webmaster @ FAF Lingerie

2 thoughts on “Introducing Web Services. Stock Status Web Service.”

  1. Dear Webmaster,

    Can you add 2 more columns to the webservice (itemname and description)? In the services current configuration it can only be used to update existing products on a site, not add new products.

  2. The up-to-date file with product descriptions and prices is available. Sign in and select “Downloads” from customer menu at our site.

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